The Elliotts Arrive in India!!!

The Elliotts Arrive in India!!!
With a warm Indian Welcome we are on our way!

Monday, March 20, 2006


There's nothing like eating baguette sandwiches together on the Champs Elysee!

Well, we are feeling that longing to return to our roots- or at least Byron Center anyway. It has been an incredible missionary journey. When I reflect back on the founding father's and pioneers in missions like Victor Plymire, my heart is overwhelmed. He left his wife and family for months and years at a time. It took him 5 weary weeks to travel to Tibet. It will take Nathan and I a little more than 5 hours to travel home from Europe. From take off in Paris to touchdown in Grand Rapids it should be less than 12 hours. Nearly 100 decisions for Christ were made; people were delivered of demonic forces; some were healed and many were strengthened and encouraged. The church in Paris is stronger because of what God has done!

I honestly believe that it was because of what those great missionaries before us did for so many years- that we are able to stand on their shoulders and reap the harvest. I also believe that time is short and we have so much work to be done; because God is willing that none should perish! If Jesus should terry- think of what the next generation of missionaries will accomplish!!! Thank you again for partnering with the Elliotts as we endeavor to fulfill the call to missions and evangelism. But especially thank you to all who prayed and invested in Nathan's life for this time of ministry in France. Could he be the next missionary to answer the call?

Nathan's Quote for the Day: We gotta get just one more crepe before we head home!

Our Prayer for the Day: Father, thank you for your divine care over Brenda and Lauren while we were away. Please keep your hand of protection on us now as we return!

Word for the day: (one more) Crepe

Parting Thoughts: Thank you for being a Prayer Partner with us! We appreciate you more than you know!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

One More..,,, life, soul, trip, time. story, crepe.

One more prayer for you....and then one more and one more.

Help, I'm a warrior and I can't stop praying!

God Bless you all the way home and then some.