The Elliotts Arrive in India!!!

The Elliotts Arrive in India!!!
With a warm Indian Welcome we are on our way!

Friday, May 02, 2008

70 Decisions so far with 4 services to go!

Time is of the essence! It seems as though there is just not enough time, or that time goes by too quickly. Tuesday evening's service was great! There were 16 who came forward to meet me at the front and make the decision to receive Christ into their hearts. That would make the total right at 70 if your counting!

Why do I count the decisions made? Perhaps it has to do with the depths of darkness that prevail here in Paris. Or maybe it is the miracle of salvation (that we see so rarely in our churches in America) that is so amazing to me. Or possibly it has to do with so many I have seen again here in the church that were saved in past services I have conducted over the past 25 years who are now involved in ministry and have brought their families to Christ! Perhaps it is all of the above and more!

The buildings that Henry and I went to look at were all duds. Back to the drawing board. Finding a building that would even remotely work for a church is a much more difficult task than you can imagine. With the Communist, socialists and pro-gay agendas in the governments here- it is no where near like it is in America.

Please pray they can find a building.

Tonight will be a special night that we have set aside for prayer for healing. We have encouraged people to bring the sick and afflicted. We are trusting God for great miracles for His glory.

Thanks for praying for us all!

En agape',


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